January is all about organizing, decluttering and hitting a reset button. This year, especially, that reset and fresh start is feeling bigger than ever. I have taken down almost all the Christmas trees (there are a few haha) and packed away most of the other holiday decor. But we left the living room tree up- my husband protested a couple of days ago about taking it down yet and missing the ambiance. So, it stayed. And this morning, as another round of storms moved through Northern California- another tree fell on our property and knocked out the power and internet service. Thankfully no one was hurt and it didn’t land on any structures and that tree in the living room? We hooked up a power station to be able to light up some areas of the house when getting up this morning – and the ultra bright tree is currently lighting the living room.

Hopeful they will get the power & internet back on soon – currently using my hotspot to put up this post- so I am sharing a post from the past today in an effort to conserve juice.

Organizing Everything

I am on a mission to tackle some more- and get things streamlined, neat and tidy and organized. This week, I am working on quiet stuff- writing that blog post about my reflections, goals and intentions for 2023 and taking a bit of a break before tackling another big project starting next week. We are also on grand baby watch – number 3 is due to be here in the next week and a half – and we will be babysitting Juliette when they go into labor and until they are home and settled. So staying close to home and working on things here for a bit. And so it’s actually perfect for an organizing share- since it’s a great time to tackle those things that need organizing.

A Place for Everything

My grandmother used to say

‘A place for everything and everything in its place’

She was so good about being incredibly organized and always knowing right where exactly what she needed was. Being incredibly organized is not my biggest strength and on top of that- our home is a closet challenged. When they built our home as a vacation house back in the day- closets and storage was not a big concern in design- and so that 1 small hallway closet has a big job to do. So if you are like me- and are closet challenged- organizing takes on a completely different thing. The one general closet we have in the house (I kid you not) holds the linens and extra everything. So we have learned to curate the extras, not stock pile cleaning supplies (okay-but soap, sanitizer and bleach are definitely in extra supply right now) and also how to have those collections and extra storage for things while creating a pretty view.

But how do you do that? Storage is storage right? No one wants to see stacks of extra linens all out on display unless you are in a store. And aside from those always the first solution is go to vintage armoires and cupboards that I have on repeat and you probably do too- what else can you do when those ‘things’ are all out and about to make that storage and supplies look pretty? Sharing a few of the ways we organize and also put on display to do double duty.

Organize by Color

This is a fun one- I love how cohesive even random things can look when organized by their color. And as you can see- we have bottles out and about on display in the laundry room- but they look pretty enough to not drive me crazy.

Things like bottles of soap, fabric softeners, cleaning supplies and even extra bathroom supplies- look for bottles of a similar color to group on those open shelves. Simple bottles like simple little amber spray bottles and soap bottles are perfect for refilling- or you can find them already full in your preferred scent and just refill as needed.

Similar styles and looks in your closet

Similar to the amber bottles above- in the closet- keep things in a color matched cohesive display. This closet is shared by my husband and I and the lack of space is something we both feel all the time here. Good things I love classic colors and pieces in my wardrobe and shop more for vintage than clothing. ha ha. White pants, shorts, skirts, t-shirts etc all folded on one shelf. Black on another, neutrals like blush and grays on another. It makes choosing your outfit easy-just go to the shelf with all the blush to find what you need for example- it makes pretty displays.

Stack Breadboards

I have a confession. I have a breadboard habit. One that I feed pretty much every time I bump into a pretty cutting board, breadboard, serving board- you name it. So yes. I have a large collection- and a second one starting out in the cottage. So, to store those boards and keep them organized- I stack them up on the counter. You can also display them on the wall for a pretty view too.

Collections in Cupboards

Inside cupboards is less daunting for organizing- things are hidden away with the close of the door. But keeping things tidy and organized makes those collections much easier. I have oodles of vintage china on this old cupboard and layer them by size and style mostly. I am committed not to bring any more random vintage china home last year after stocking up on various elements for my book Inspired Gatherings. But now that it is 2021- it is a fresh start right? ?

Baskets on repeat

I love baskets for organizing everything. They are pretty to look at – and they hold all kinds of bits that you don’t know what to do with as well as bigger things that need a place to land. These baskets are similar to the ones that I have in the bathroom armoire as well as the kitchen- perfect for using everywhere. They hold makeup, toiletries, toothpaste, contact solution, you name it.

Collections on Display

Because- who doesn’t love to see all those copper pots, baskets or other collections like these out and about to enjoy?

On Open Shelves

This display is from a few years ago from my first book – the shelves have actually changed since then and I will be sharing more of that soon. But I do love open shelves for pretty things like gilded glasses, stacks of plates and bowls and pretty decor. These can be everyday items you use – coffee cups and cereal bowls – but on an open shelf with some decor accessories – it feels much more like a design.

Add Plate Racks to your Cupboards

So simple and easy, and one of my favorite ways to organize those dishes that you use everyday, while creating a pretty display. Read all about these $8 Display racks Here and find plate racks to fit your cupboards HERE

Glass Jars and Canisters

Pretty on repeat. Laundry detergent and soap bars. Bath bombs and sponges. Flour and baking supplies in the kitchen. You name it- it just looks pretty in glass jars while storing.

Create a display in an open Cupboard

This is another open cupboard idea. If you have an old sideboard or cupboard that is holding all kinds of things – but nothing looks pretty or organized – take those collections and curate them to create a display. There is something about grouping like elements together while storing them that are so pretty.

Laundry Baskets for other things

Simple and easy- and full of charm. I love to use vintage laundry baskets for everything from laundry waiting to be folded to linens in the kitchen to towels in the bathroom. One of my favorite ways of storing those fresh large bath towels is rolling them up and placing them into a basket under the sink vanity.

Easy Holiday storage ideas

And one for the road- for some easy holiday storage ideas that can also be pretty- like pretty boxes to stack on the shelves-take a peek at my blog post here.

I am off to get a bit of organizing done this morning-stay tuned for a first look at what we have wrapped up in the little cottage bathroom coming your way.

Happy Thursday all.

Disclosure- this post contains affiliate links.
